Genesis 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
Before the fall of man, Adam had to work. In a perfect world, Adam was to till the ground and watch over the life there. God uses all kinds of people, but He never uses lazy people. Have you ever worked really hard at something and then felt proud of your accomplishment? That is a natural feeling of joy from doing something you were created to do. Therefore, safe and effective, natural, holistic, non-drug methods of buy viagra wholesale alternative medicine may be used alone or in conjunction with medical drugs. Sildamax citrate canadian viagra samples published here has identical structure to cGMP and it treats a strong binding agent of PDE 5 enzymes in the penile tissues of the male. pfizer viagra cheap It is very important to consult a doctor before taking Kamagra Kamagra must be used under a regular medical practitioner. Since, cheapest brand cialis it has been truly admired by men all around the world for treating ED allied suspicions. Now maybe God didn’t verbally give you your job, but He does expect you to work for His honor and glory. Your work ought be an example to the world of what someone can accomplish with God’s love as their motivating factor. Just like Adam, we need to work because that’s what we were created to do.
Loving God – “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” – I Corinthians 10:31
Loving Others – Let your life be a testimony to others.