I Samuel 7:5 And Samuel said, Gather all Israel to Mizpeh, and I will pray for you unto the LORD.
There are several different types of prayer, but today we’re going to focus on intercession. Samuel went to God on behalf of someone else. Not only is this commanded(I Timothy 2:1-3), but can also make the difference between life and death for someone(Exodus 32). Typical symptoms: recurrent episodes of cialis from india lower urinary tract infection (as above), lasting for more than 3 months. Even in the viagra 100 mg dim light of a dark, there is hope for conception. If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, this medicine is gaining into popularity with cialis 10 mg each passing day. Medically speaking, insomnia is confirmed when the typical features purchase generic viagra of the disorder persists for more than 3 weeks. And lastly, it is Christ-like. Romans 8:34 says that Christ goes to the Father on our behalf. In following after the example of our Saviour, we ought to be praying for those around us.
Loving God – Thank Jesus for interceding for you and going to the Father for your needs.
Loving Others – Pray the people you know who are sick, hurting, alone, and even those who are strong that God would bless them and be good to them.