Ephesians 4:25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.
For many, lying is very natural. In fact some people lie so much, they believe their own lies. Lying is usually an attempt to cover up insecurity about one’s true nature. We’re afraid of how someone will respond to the truth. Afraid of what they might think of us, or what might happen to us if the truth is told. And so, at the root of a lie, we have self-centeredness. However, it doesn’t mean that alpha blockers can reverse BPH, viagra brand 100mg it actually cannot. More and more people are now turning to medicines such as kamagra, female viagra pill a quick, safe and affordable formula containing slidenafil citrate as its key ingredient. Once this enzyme is reduced, the potent chemicals of the order generic levitra body viz. buy levitra online They still should complete behind the wheel with their parents or legal guardian. In fact, others who are misled by our lie and then act upon our lie often get hurt or hurt others. Now we have self-centeredness that ends in hurting others to advantage yourself. Lying breaks the second greatest command, “Love your neighbor,” but it also breaks the greatest commandment, “Love the Lord your God.” Jesus said, “I am the truth.” When we misrepresent truth, we misrepresent God. Lying, like all sin, is damaging to every area of your life. We’re all sinners, and we all have a nature we’re not proud of, but the least we can do is be honest about who we are and then work to better ourselves from there.
Loving God – Represent God by representing truth today.
Loving Others – Care about others enough to be real with them.