I John 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
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Self-esteem can be a tough topic. You naturally believe want you’re told. When Jesus was baptized, His Father made a public statement of affirmation saying, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” It’s not like we all hear that every day from our dads. It would be kind of cool if the clouds opened up on your way to school each day and a dove came down as you heard you dad’s booming voice say, “I’m proud of you, my favorite child!” You’d say, “Dad! Stop embarrassing me,” but you know you’d like it. Here’s the bad thing about people, including dads… we’re all sin-cursed, and we tend to vent our frustrations on each other. It seems like if we mess up, other people get frustrated because of the way our mistake made them look. But, here’s the great thing about God: we made mistakes that cost Him His life, and He didn’t get upset with us. Instead He said here’s an opportunity to show you how good I am. The sin-cursed reactions of people put the perfect love of God into perspective, and if you realize what God Himself did for you, you’ll know that you are extremely valuable and very deeply loved. As bad as sin is, God is better. As depressed as people can make you feel, God is right there to lift you up. We know love, not because we’re God’s perfect kids, but because we have a perfect heavenly Dad who loved us enough to send His Son to die for us.
Loving God – Praise God for being the perfect Father we all desire.
Loving Others – Respect yourself and others, knowing what you’re worth.