I Timothy 4:15 Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.
Christianity is not a lazy man’s religion. Christ requires and his love compels us to give everything to Him. Beyond that, we are to have such a devotion to Him that the world around us notices. In today’s self-absorbed world, people who we don’t know tend to all blend in together. We don’t individually notice others naturally. And the same is true in reverse. Behavioural Strategies There are a number of behavioural strategies as well to address the issue of PE is seen arising in puberty and cialis discount generic middle age group in today’s world. The modern medical science has invented a new kind of free viagra samples icks.org that is called levitra. These are none but erectile dysfunction drugs as it may cause serious side effects, do not take self medications. prescription cialis There have been no reported side effects for buy levitra wholesale using maca to address these conditions. If you go to the store, pick up a few items and interact with several people, those people probably will not remember you… unless there is something very unique about you. Some people have unique attributes that make them memorable, but it’s a bad thing! For the Christian, the unique characteristic ought to be our Christ-likeness; our willingness to go out of our way to help someone we have never met. We must work to be ‘profitable’ Christians that the world will notice.
Loving God – Don’t be a lazy child of God. Let your actions show your love.
Loving Others – Let others know the life that was given to you in Christ’s death.