Philippians 2:12
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
In our culture, obedience is not spoken well of. Kids don’t like to obey their parents. Adults don’t like to obey their bosses. And some people take pride in not obeying. I’ve worked with people like this, and I also watched them get fired. Basically, it comes down to this. Whatever you need to do that will put a Discover More Here cheap levitra prescription spark in your marriage. No viagra from uk one can tell that you made these transactions. It is identical to cialis samples just a color difference. How Does Kamagra Jelly Cause cialis discount overnight an Erection? Kamagra Jelly helps you to achieve an erection that sustains for a longer period. Who knows better? Who has more experience, and who will take the responsibility if it fails? As a teenager I sometimes begrudgingly obeyed my parents, but in the back of my mind I thought, “If they’re wrong and I fail, it’s their fault.” Again and again, much to my dismay, they were right. God put the leaders you have in your life for a reason, and if they point you the wrong way, and you follow, it’s their fault. But, if they are right and you disobey, it’s your fault. Honor the people God has placed in your life. Don’t risk your entire future on a choice made based on your less than 20 years of life experience. And above all, obey God.