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I Samuel 12:22 For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name’s sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people.

Have you ever felt like you disappointed God? Because of our sin nature, we as humans have a hard time understanding the love of God.  We put up criteria for love.  We say we love someone because they have similar interests or they are attractive.  And so, we live constantly aware of our actions and appearance because we want acceptance.  And humanly, it all makes sense.  But God doesn’t think like that.  He said He loves you for His name’s sake.  In other words, He never loved you for a distinct attribute; He loved you because He’s God, and He is love. And because of His Son dying, not even the sin can separate you from Him.  Certainly, we should live with an awareness of His presence, but always know that the Father loves you no matter where you are in life.

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Loving Others – Show others undeserved love, as Christ has done the same for you.