Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
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It is very difficult to accept failure. The fear of failure has caused many people to do great things, and others to not do anything at all. Think about this: if you try something you know would be good to do and you fail, you can learn from your mistakes and improve yourself. But, if you are so afraid of failing that you never try, you’ve already failed because it is now impossible to succeed. Every highly successful individual is also a highly failed individual. Brett Favre has the most touchdowns in NFL history. He also has the most interceptions. Why? He took risks, accepted his failure, and kept striving to be better. The greatest failure is to quit because you failed. All of the work that leads up to your failure is only in vain if you stop trying. Don’t let your failures define you.
Loving God – Have you ever felt like you’ve failed God? Go to Him; Christ already took care of that on the cross.
Loving Others – Show God’s love by accepting others’ failures and helping them to overcome them.