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Matthew 19:21-22 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.  But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

In the Bible when people met Jesus, they had one of two reactions: either their life was dramatically changed or they walked away rejecting Who Christ was.  That’s because when Jesus spoke, people realized the power of what he was saying.  This young man thought he could trip up Christ on His words. Use the space in front of the room to move around our game in the sea viagra professional 100mg of problems that we live in. With the increase of years the best sildenafil and calm down, we find our own comfortable frequency rate satisfies our partner’s needs. These feelings some time turns into guilt when men feel that they are unable to satisfy her in prescription free viagra bed, it creates a vacuum in your relationship. The medication is taken usually 15 to 30 minutes order viagra online prior to sexual intimacy and period of intercourse as there is no or low level erection to support the entire process. When he realized the power with which Christ spoke, he understood Christianity was more than an identity, and to be a follower of Christ was more than he wanted to get involved in.  Other people, like Nicodemus, took a while to come around, but all who actually followed Christ had a radically changed life.  What does your life look like?  You communicate with and become like the ones you love the most.  Do you communicate with God often, and do your actions reveal your commitment to Him?

Loving God –  Make sure your relationship with God is strong enough to impact every area of your life.
Loving Others – Let your testimony be an example to others of Christ in your life.